Zoe Olive Oil - Verda Hot Sauce 250ml
A mild hot sauce with a wonderful taste of green peppers, kiwi and a blend of spices that is full of flavour and ends with a slight kick. It goes great over absolutely everything from chicken to shrimp & steak. It makes the best Bloody Caesars and Bloody Mary's as well as adds falvour to your favorite sauces.
Flavor Profile: Balanced flavor with a hints of fresh fruits & herbs slight Kick of heat without being umbering. We rate it 1 out of 5 peppers on our scale of spininess.
Pairing suggestions:
- On Fried Chicken.
- On grilled salmon and grilled fish.
- Use in or on your favorite Mexican or Asian dishes.
- Over eggs
- In grilled cheese sandwiches
- On Pizza & Pasta
- With oysters & sea food
- Drizzle it over cornbread.
- On grilled vegetables.
- On grilles chicken.
- Flavor a stir-fry.
- Mix with Mayo or mustard for sandwiches or as a dip.
- Blend with sour cream as a dip.
- Over pulled pork or grilled pork.
- Use your imagination the possibilities are endless.